Find Out If In-Home Care Tax Is Deductible

Find Out If In-Home Care Tax Is Deductible Providing home care can, no doubt, be an expensive process to go through. Accommodating your loved ones with the best healthcare is essential, however, this may make you wonder if the healthcare they’re receiving is tax deductible. Spending on health expenses, whether on your own, your spouse, or another […]
Help An Elderly Person With Toileting | Safety Tips & Techniques

Help An Elderly Person With Toileting | Safety Tips & Techniques As people become older, their effectiveness in performing daily life tasks is significantly reduced. They may begin to rely on their families or caregivers to assist them with ADLs. Assisting elderly individuals in toileting, can be an emotionally and physically stressful situation. It’s okay to […]
Failure To Thrive In Elderly – All You Need To Know

Failure To Thrive In Elderly – All You Need To Know As a person ages, a significant decline in their overall health condition is observed. This may occur due to underlying health conditions or simply due to the fact that they are getting old. An aged person may have to struggle with the completion of his […]
Are Keto Pills Safe for Seniors & Do They Actually Work?

Are Keto Pills Safe for Seniors & Do They Actually Work? The keto diet has gained high popularity in recent years because of its associated benefits, including weight loss and metabolic health improvement. However, along with this incredible diet, there has also been a surge in the popularity of keto diet pills that claim to […]
ADLs vs IADLs: What Are The Key Differences?

ADLs (Activities of daily living) and IADLs (Instrumental activities of daily living) include the tasks of daily life ranging from simple activities such as eating or bathing to complex activities including driving. Performing daily life tasks may get difficult as one ages or goes through a health condition. This tough phase often comes with requiring […]